Riviera West Board of Directors

The 2023-2025 Directors and their offices are as follows:

President: Phil Hartley

Secretary: Clelia Baur

Treasurer: C. Richard Smith

Director: Bob Gunion

Director: Doug Moore

Board Meetings

Riviera West Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday, every other month beginning with January, at the Riviera West clubhouse, 8475 Harbor View Drive, Kelseyville. Meeting attendance via Zoom may also be offered. Please check your email for the Zoom meeting invitation.

Country Club regular meetings begin at 4:30 pm

Harbor View Mutual Water Company regular meetings begin at 5:30 pm

The Riviera West Annual Meeting took place on Saturday, June 21 at 9:00 AM at the Riviera West clubhouse, 8475 Harbor View Drive, Kelseyville, CA  95451. 

There are Two Boards of Directors associated with Riviera West: the Country Club Board and the Mutual Water Company Board.
Please refer to the Harbor View Mutual Water Company Page for Water company information. 

Board Elections

Riviera-West’s by-laws specify that its Property Owners’ corporate entity be separate from that of its Mutual Water Company. Both of these corporations are managed by their respective Boards of Directors. Board Members, in both cases, are elected by the collective Property Owners/Shareholders, for terms of two years in length. Board Members’ terms are staggered to allow for sufficient management continuity. Elections are normally held to coincide with the fiscal year-end and Annual Meeting of Property Owners in June.

Following the certification of election results, each Board of Directors meets to determine meeting schedules and dynamics, scheduling needs and philosophy and their own particular office holders (candidates for the Boards of Directors do not run for specific ‘offices’, but for Board membership).

Candidates for Board membership must meet the following qualifications:

    Membership in Riviera West Country Club.

    Non-delinquent in the payment of regular and special assessments.

    Not a co-owner with another Board Director serving at the same time.

    Attend a minimum of four regular meetings per year as a Director. (By not attending meetings, a Director is in breach of his or her fiduciary duties. Failure to attend meetings means the business of Riviera West is hindered and the Director is not knowledgeable about current financial and operational matters.)

    Not having a past criminal conviction that would either prevent the Association from purchasing the required fidelity bond coverage or cause the Association’s existing coverage to be terminated.

The deadline for Board Candidacy Applications for the 2025-2026 term is Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 3:00 PM. Click Here for a Board Candidacy application.